President..............Dick Townsend, 776-9588

V. President......John McCutcheon, 778-9426

Secretary......................Joe Rogers, 775-4463

Treasurer.................Jim Anderson, 771-0011

Maintenance ...….(Any Volunteers)

Instructor................A.C. Goodwin, 445-1889

Prescott Soaring Society’s Web site (created and maintained by Bill Thrift)


This is an eye witness account of a spin. We took the Blanik up Sunday the 16th of January. I let Rick fly. We released at about 1800 ft. and found a weak thermal. Rick was working the thermal, then it happened. TheSpin Monster slipped into the plane and started to work his sinister spell. First he convinced Rick the sight picture in the Blanik was the same as in the 233, which it isn’t. The L-13 flies about 8 to 10 degrees nose down, so the speed began to drop. Then he told Rick to try and bring the low wing up by moving the aileron to the right. Adverse yaw pulled the wing back and the nose moved down. So the Spin Monster said to move the stick back to raise the nose. About that time the spin had started. The Spin Monster let his cohort, Panic, slide in and softly whisper "the ground is right there in your face, pull back now and move the stick to the right". There we were in a fully developed spin. I let Rick work at recovery for a few seconds and then helped him recover. The spin had moved from a normal turn to a full spin without any big change in feel and almost neutral rudder. Remember, neutralize the aileron, use opposite rudder to the rotation of the glider. Then move the stick forward until the wings start flying. Pull out of the resulting dive gently but firmly so as not to overstress the airplane or cause a secondary high-speed stall.

I think everyone should have done enough spins so seeing the ground spinning in front of your eyes you can keep your cool and make a timely recovery. If you are thinking Rick is a low-time pilot and that it can’t happen to you, a long time experienced pilot, think again. Almost every accident report will end by saying "the plane entered a spin and impacted with the ground".

Get some spin training with a person that knows how to spin and recover. Then practice as often as possible until it is second nature to you.


Six months ago, I had finally had it with driving all over the state with my hang glider trying to get some airtime. It seemed the wind was always the wrong direction, too strong and gusty, or when we did get to fly, I'd somehow manage to miss the thermals on my way to the landing zone. I needed to get some airtime, but how? Over the years, I had taken the odd lesson or ride in sail planes, but after a while the realization would hit that I simply couldn't afford it. Friends that had switched over would call with their accounts of 300 mile triangles and all the airtime they could stand. Hmmmmmm........
A few years ago, I had joined the Sailplane Homebuilders Association with the hopes of putting my carpentry skills to good use and build my own. There I met a pilot by the name of Bob Sparling who told me of a club in Prescott that had some sailplanes, a winch and a really inexpensive way to fly. So, on another blown out Sunday, a few of the Flagstaff hang pilots drove on down to check it out and after the usual wandering around Prescott Valley, finally stumbled onto the field. What we found was almost too good to be true. Here was an organization whose sole purpose was to provide affordable instruction and fun flying for their members. What hooked me, (beyond the incredibly cheap dues) was the easygoing, supportive atmosphere and the friendly club members. We all signed up immediately and the field was to become my second home for the next six months.
In that time, I transitioned from raw recruit to a bonafide licensed glider pilot, thanks entirely due to the volunteer efforts of our instructors, Jim Anderson and AC Goodwin, and all the hard work, support and camaraderie of all the club members who came out. If something needed fixing, from a broken wire to the clasp on the flagpole, the members of the Prescott Soaring Society were ready to help. Many times, I would hear, "the reason we're here is to fly and have fun". If that's not in our club motto, it should be! I have finally realized my dream and I am very grateful to everyone who helped, taught, supported and laughed with me these last six months. I plan on being an active club member in the future, in hopes that I can give back to the club that has given me so much, and to help others find their wings and fly.
For those who might doubt what an incredibly great deal the Prescott Soaring Society is, I sat down with my logbook and figured out my actual costs:
One time initiation fee: $200.00
Six month dues @ $15.00/month $90.00
72 gliding flights @ $3.00 each $216.00
23 soaring flights @ $4.00 each $92.00
9 hours of instruction at $0.0/hr $00.00
Glider rental @ $0.00/hr $00.00
Tow fees (you guessed it!) $00.00
For a grand total of.......... $598.00
Now, just for comparison, I figured in the average costs at a commercial operation to do the same amount of flying that I did with instruction, tows, and glider rental. It came to over $4,600.00.That's about the difference between getting my license and not getting it! Why we don't have people lined up down Coyote Springs Road trying to join, I'll never know. Joining the Prescott Soaring Society is one of the best things I have done. Thanks to everyone, I'll see you out at the field!

Rik Fritz

Flight Manuals: The Blanik, 2-33 and 1-26 flight manuals are being reproduced and will be available for member use in the trailer. Take a look at them and determine your gliders allowable maneuvers before your go up and do anything wild and wooly.

Flight Rules: The first issue of the PSS Flight Rules is nearing completion and a copy will be available in the trailer . Members should be familiar with the contents of this document.


Financial Summary (as of 2/29/00)
Checking Account Balance $1364.61
Savings Account Balance $4056.50
Blanik Loan Balance $3807.46
Owed on New Winch $3000.00
Checks In Hand $626.72

(for additional detail, see the statement posted on the trailer bulletin board)


Feb. 3rd Board Meeting.

Attendees: Jim Anderson, A.C. Goodwin, Dent McCutcheon, Joe Rogers, Dick Townsend, and guest Ed Powney.

Minutes of the previous board meeting were read by Joe. Jim A. summarized the club’s assets as follows:

Checking Account Balance. $1635.56

Savings Account Balance $3746.83

Blanik Loan Balance $3986.71

Owed on new winch $3000.00

It was agreed that the present Blanik Loan will be refinanced at a lower (5.9%) interest rate. If done this month it will save the club approximately $160.00. Dick T. agreed to accept the loan at an interest of 5.9 %.
A.C. reported on the following maintenance items. The Blanik landing gear support has been repaired. A hole was knocked in the Blanik canopy by an errant radio during an aerobatic maneuver. (It has subsequently been patched). The leaky valve gasket on the new winch has been replaced.
A.C. reported that Jim Burch will be up Sunday, Feb 16th to administer the practical oral and flight tests for Brett Austin and Rik Fritz.

A motion was passed to use the Coyote Springs address as the official club address. It is:

Prescott Soaring Society

Coyote Springs

9200 E. Morning Star Ranch Rd.

Prescott Valley, Ariz. 86314

A mail box will be (has been) placed along Coyote Springs Rd near 89A.
(Note: Members, please continue to use Jim Anderson’s home address for mailing dues pym’t. checks.)

Club By-laws changes were discussed but no action taken.
Having a club flight manual was discussed. A sample was passed out for board member review to discuss at the next board meeting.
Max Palmer’s membership application was approved.
A club social (pot-luck) was tentatively planned for late Feb. early March pending availability of the Mountain Club clubhouse.
Ed P. requested that the club keep the parachutes legal. It was agreed that the club would do this and charge a surcharge of $1.00 per use to help cover the cost of packing.
The next club general meeting, for the election of officers, will be held sometime in March. Some of the current board members expressed a willingness to be a board member again.


Feb 24th Board Meeting

Attendees: Jim A., A.C., Dick T., Dent M.& Joe R.
Minutes of the previous board meeting were read by Joe. Jim A. summarized the club’s assets as follows:

Checking Account Balance. $1413.70

Savings Account Balance $4056.50

Blanik Loan Balance $3807.46

Owed on new winch $3000.00

Oct/Nov dues received $1586.92 Oct/Nov dues still owed $284.00
A.C. reported that Hugh (of the Canadian winch) and three friends visited the field and all got guest rides. Hugh left the club a $20 donation for the flights.
A club social potluck is being planned for March 4 at the Airport Administration conference room (the same place as the last potluck).
Bob Sparling, Dick T., Govindner and another ERAU Professor met to discuss the design of a new drum for the old winch. Dick requested (and it was approved) that the BOD give him the approval to proceed with design and fabrication of the drum.
Club flight rules were reviewed and a first issue was agreed upon. Jim A. will publish.
Club By-law changes were discussed. Jim A. (reluctantly) agreed to make the corrections and submit them to the membership by mail for approval.
Jim A. spent a lot of time being grouchy at Joe for which he apologies.


(from the SSA Safety Foundation, "Instructors Ask" column)

I normally demonstrate spin recoveries to my students during their training for the Private Pilot Practical Test. Are the occupants of the glider required to wear parachutes during this spin training.

Addressing the question of whether a private or commercial pilot certificate applicant requesting spin training for safety sake (not for CFI training) is legally required to wear a parachute, Mr. Louis Gusimano, Manager of the FAA General Aviation and Commercial Division states, "The answer is no, provided the training is given by a certificated flight instructor. It should be noted, however, that should a flight instructor, in response to a request by a friend on board as a passenger, elect to demonstrate a spin, both the flight instructor and the passenger must wear parachutes."


Max Palmer, an ERAU student sophomore, joined the club this last January. Max is a member of the ERAU flight program and has his private single engine and multi-engine license and is currently working on his instrument rating. Besides keeping his dog Diego from tearing people from limb to limb, Max enjoys lifting weights and jet skiing. Welcome to the club Max, don’t be shy about becoming a contributing member.


Rick LandsRick Hazen solos the SGS2-33 on Feb 6th. There to cheer him on were his wife Sandy, Sons Nick & Aaron, and Grandma and Grandpa. Rick, and son Nick, who is also taking lessons, are excellent examples of the benefits of concentrated training. They both joined the club in late October 1999, and already Rick has soloed and son Nick is ready to solo. Not only are they dedicated in their flying but also in helping with all the daily operational activities, Rick runs the winch often and Nick can drive the retrieve truck and do all of the other chores necessary for the operation. Congratulations and many thanks for your dedicated service.

On a cold and windy February 13th Jim Burch came up to administer the private glider practical flight and oral tests to Rik Fritz and Brett Austin. The wind was 15 to 20 knots favoring runway 13, over the fence, so their flying skills were put to the test. A.C. provided instructor support, Jim ran the winch and Nick, Rick and Govindner provided logistic and moral support. Observations from the winch were that after a "warm up flight" by Brett the tests were passed with "flying" colors. Congratulations to our two newest licensees, Rik and Brett.
Rick  AC



The probability of survival is equal to the angle of arrival. [sic]

Always remember you fly a glider with your head, not your hands. Never let a glider take you anywhere your brain didn’t get to five minutes earlier.

Remember, you’re always a student in an airplane

Try to keep the number of your landings equal to the number of your takeoffs.

Speed is life, altitude is life insurance. No one ever collided with the sky.


There is a bold pilot named Ed
Who doesn’t always use his head.
He loves to "low pass"
Just skimming the grass
Soon he’ll be pushing up daisies instead.

There is a young pilot named Dent
Who’s passion is buzzing the fence
If he doesn’t fly higher
He’ll get his (bleeps) in the wire
And then his love life will be spent.

There is a new pilot named Nancy
Who’s landings make A.C. real ant’cy
It isn’t the flare
That gives him the scare
T’is the bounce on the ground that is chancy

There is an old pilot named Jim
Who’s flying is not all that grim
But the members all tire
As his "soap box" gets higher
But the odds of him stopping are slim

There is an old flyer named Ken
Who stays up for hours on end
But with an over-filled bladder
We fear he might splatter
If he pancakes a landing again
Flat Blanik


January was a banner month as far as the number of flights. With a total of one hundred eighty eight (188) flights, it was the highest January total on record (at least since 1991). Oct. 1999 holds the record with one hundred ninety one (191) flights. As a comparison, the average number of flights per month for 1999 was a hundred and three (103) and even this was an unusually high average. The down side of lots of flights is, of course, that most were pretty short, an average of 12.5 minutes per flight. The longest flight of the month, 119 minutes, was flown by (whom else but a weak lift working hang glider pilot) Rik Fritz. The Frequent Flyer Trophy for the month of January goes to student Govindner with 24 flights followed closely by Nick and Rick with 20 and 19 flights respectively.

For the month of February, the Fequent Flyer Trophy goes to Nick and Rick Hazen with 14 flights each. Govinder was close behind with 13 flights.

February ended on a cold windy Sunday. There were only seven flyers out and after one flight each bucking a 20-25 knot wind (over the fence) it was decided that the only place we were going, if a thermal was found, was a one-way trip to Ashfork.

January Glider Minutes Flights
1-26 834 40
2-33 1354 132
Blanik 153 16
Zug 0 0
Other 0 0
Total 2341 188
Ave. Min./Flight 12.5

February Glider Minutes Flights
1-26 280 15
2-33 759 86
Blanik 67 8
Zug 0 0
Other 0 0
Total 1106 109
Ave. Min/Flight 10.2


Club Potluck, March 4th, Prescott Airport Administration Bldg. 6-9 pm.

Club General Meeting, March 18th, Yavapai College, Bldg. 2, room 243, 7:00 pm. Election of officers.

Weekend Soaring: Sat and Sunday, approx. 10:30 AM, weather permitting.


If anyone has anything that they would like to include, get it to the Editor typed, or on a floppy disk in word processor format, call and dictate it if its not too long, or e-mail it to me,

Remember, articles must be suitable for a family newsletter and must be submitted to the Editor by April 20th, 10 days prior to the publishing date.

The views expressed in this newsletter are those of the individual "authors" and not necessarily those of the Prescott Soaring Society.

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